Journal Information
  • Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    (Bimonthly,started publication in 2014)
    Responsible Institution
    Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
    Sponsor Institution
    Chinese Research Hospital Association
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Office/Room 2002-2003, Tower A, GT International Center , No. 3 of YongAnDongLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China
    Post code:100022
    Postal Distribution Code:82-833
    Overseas Issue NO.:BM9207
    ISSN 2095-8781 CN 10-1274/R
Current Issue
Volume 0 Issue 9, 25 September 2021
Mechanism and Regulation of Urea Decomposition by Bacterial Urease
XIONG Zhanbo, ZHAO Shengguo, WANG Jiaqi
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 3-7.
Abstract ( 1882 ) PDF(3607KB) ( 1131 )
Research Progress on Production and Processing Technology of Slow-release Urea and its Application in Ruminant Production
WANG Mengzhi, YANG Sihan, LIU Fuyuan, ZHANG Zhenbin, ZHAO Jian
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 32-39.
Abstract ( 590 ) PDF(1633KB) ( 944 )
The Benefit Linkage Mechanism between Fonterra and Dairy Farmers and Its Enlightenment to China
TIAN Yaru, DONG Xiaoxia, PENG Hua, LI Yongqing
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 40-45.
Abstract ( 512 ) PDF(2508KB) ( 566 )
Report of Xinjiang Dairy Industry From 2019 to 2020
LIANG Chunming, XU Dong, SHAO Wei
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 46-51.
Abstract ( 628 ) PDF(2102KB) ( 1032 )
Manure Treatment Method in Large-Scale Dairy Cattle Breeding
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 60-63.
Abstract ( 578 ) PDF(1243KB) ( 349 )
Application of Green Breeding Technology in High Quality Dairy Cattle Breeding
YANG Run, AYINUER Abulizi, PAREKE Ainiwaer
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 64-66.
Abstract ( 307 ) PDF(1208KB) ( 140 )
The Correlation of Rumen Fermentation Performance and Milk Yield of Dairy Cows
PANG Shilong, SI Haifeng, HOU Jie, ZHANG Wenye, PANG Guoliang
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 74-78.
Abstract ( 356 ) PDF(1657KB) ( 695 )
Technical Points of Breeding and Management of Dairy Goats
CHEN Xijuan, XIAO Xidong, XU Lixin
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 79-82.
Abstract ( 885 ) PDF(1210KB) ( 435 )
Importance and Management of Drinking Water for Calves
ZHANG Zunhui
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 86-88.
Abstract ( 876 ) PDF(1210KB) ( 255 )
Prevention and Treatment of Common Postpartum Diseases of Dairy Cows
WANG Zhide, CHU Lili
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 89-93.
Abstract ( 387 ) PDF(1214KB) ( 301 )
Pathogens Detection and Analysis of Calf Diarrhea in a Large-scale Dairy Farm
RUAN Jixiang, LIU Wenxiao, JIANG Bo, XU Jian, LI Yongqing, CHENG Jing
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 97-101.
Abstract ( 494 ) PDF(1920KB) ( 317 )
Optimization of Processing Technology of Sea Buckthorn Processed Cheese by Response Surface Methodology
XU Haixiang, LIU Lingling, CHEN Zida, LI Jiachen
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 106-115.
Abstract ( 282 ) PDF(7227KB) ( 601 )
Genotyping on β-caseins of Jiulong Tibetan Yellow Cattle and Jiulong Yak
ZHAO Mengbo, JIN Suyu, HUANG Lin, ZHENG Yucai
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 120-124.
Abstract ( 232 ) PDF(1813KB) ( 167 )
Study on the Stability of Yogurt by Exopolysaccharide
WANG Xin, ZHANG Ju dian, SHAO Jing hai, QING Ping
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (9): 125-129.
Abstract ( 721 ) PDF(2113KB) ( 286 )