China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 111-114.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.04.21

• LEGAL SYSTEM OF DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of the Copyright Issues of AI-generated Products in Dairy Enterprises

ZHANG Jiuru   

  1. Law School of Qinghai Minzu University,Xining Qinghai,810007
  • Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-24

Abstract: In the process of digital and intelligent transformation of dairy enterprises, the use of AI-generated products involves many legal issues, including the copyrightability and copyright ownership of AI-generated products. On the issue of the copyrightability of AI-generated works, it is necessary to first discuss whether AI-generated works are works, and the degree of human intervention affects the determination of whether they belong to works. For the issue of copyright ownership of AI-generated works, it is necessary to first clarify whether AI can become the author, and when there is no unified conclusion, it can be divided into AI designers and users. In the case that the law is not yet perfect, it is still necessary to protect the artificial intelligence creations, and the legal fiction personality is in line with the future development direction, but it should be used with caution at this stage, and the problem of avoiding the work of legal persons is a common method in practice, and the construction of a system of neighboring rights is a more feasible method at present.

Key words: dairy enterprises, artificial intelligence generated, copyright, ownership of rights

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