China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 31-37.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.06

• REPRODUCTION & BREEDING OF DAIRY GOAT & SHEEP • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Different Treatments on Estrus Synchronization in Dairy Goats

MENG Ziqi1,2, YANG Lei1, ZHANG Yaozhi1, JIANG Lili1, CHEN Na1, LIU Min1, LI Xue1, AN Xiaoping2, ZHAO Qinan1,*   

  1. 1Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010031;
    2College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 010018
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

Abstract: [Objective] In order to establish a technical scheme suitable for estrus synchronization of dairy goats. [Method] This experiment explored the effect of estrus synchronization of dairy goats through different progesterone suppositories and hormone types,different treatment schemes,different seasons and different parities. [Results] That the PRID was placed on the 0th day,14 : 00;on the 9th day,PMSG 330 IU was injected intramuscularly at 14 : 00. On the 11th day,the thrombus was removed at 14 : 00,and PG 0.2 mg was injected intramuscularly. On the 12th day,the estrus synchronization procedure of 20 : 00 was performed on the first and second parity ewes in the natural estrus season of dairy goats (October-February of the next year). The estrus rate can reach more than 81 %,and the cost is relatively low,which is suitable for large-scale dairy goat farms in Inner Mongolia. [Conclusion] Therefore,we can carry out the estrussynchronous in large-scale dairy goats farms in Inner Mongolia by this scheme, which is easy to operate, cost-effective, and can achieve a high estrus rate.

Key words: dairy goat, estrus synchronization, season, number of births

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