China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 38-43.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.07

• REPRODUCTION & BREEDING OF DAIRY GOAT & SHEEP • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Application Effect of Three Different Breeding Techniques in Off-season Breeding Period of Dairy Goats

YANG Yuhang, ZHANG Hao, WANG Junning, LIU Jia   

  1. Fuping Animal Disease Control Center,Fuping shannxi 711700
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

Abstract: [Objective] In recent years,relying on the development opportunity of the province's "cultivating the whole industry chain of 100 billion dairy goats",Fuping county has fully promoted the construction of the whole industry chain of dairy goats,and has built the dairy goat industry into the first characteristic livestock industry of "one county and one policy". The development of dairy goat industry cannot be separated from improved breeding. Compared with the remarkable results of seasonal breeding, the progress of anti-season breeding of dairy goat is slow, and the results need to be improved. In order to ensure efficient breeding of dairy goats throughout the year and promote the steady advancement and rapid development of the industry, it is imperative to increase the proportion of off-season conception of dairy goats. [Method] In this paper, through a lot of preparation work, such as detection of brucellosis of dairy goats (tiger red plate agglutination test and brucellosis cELISA antibody detection),detection of semen viability of RAMS, and examination of embryonic development status and morphology, from April to July 2024, Three different reproductive techniques, natural mating, artificial insemination and embryo transfer, were used in the off-season of dairy goats. [Result] The pregnancy test on the 42~45 days after the completion of mating showed that the pregnancy rate in the same period of estrus artificial insemination group (63.3%) was significantly higher than that in the embryo transfer group (36.7%) and the natural mating group (56.7%).In the production practice of dairy goats, after three rounds of pregnancy test ,the pregnancy rate of natural mating group and artificial insemination group (76.7% and 83.3%) was significantly higher than that of embryo transfer group (36.7%). [Conclusion] Through the comparison of the three groups of experimental data, the pregnancy rate of the estrous artificial insemination group was the highest, which could be applied and promoted in the production practice of dairy goats.

Key words: off-season breeding period, breeding techniques, application effect, dairy goat

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