China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 98-103.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.12.17

• QUALITY CONTROL • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of Microbial Contamination in Pasteurized Milk in Kunming Fresh Milk Bar from 2020 to 2022

LIU Yuyan, DIAO Yuhua, ZHANG Lianqin, ZUO Cheng, WANG Rui, ZHANG Jiawen*   

  1. Kunming Food and Drug Inspection Research Institute,Kunming Yunnan 650000
  • Online:2024-12-25 Published:2025-01-03

Abstract: [Objective] To investigate the microbial contamination in pasteurized milk produced by 4 fresh milk bars in Kunming from 2020 to 2022,and to provide data support for targeted supervision by market supervision departments,so as to further improve the quality and safety of pasteurized milk. [Method] The pasteurized milk samples were monitored regularly every month,including the total bacterial colony,coliform group,Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella.The χ2 test in SPSS 27.0 statistical software was used for data statistics and analysis. [Result] From 2020 to 2022,145 batches of samples were tested,15 batches were unqualified,and the unqualified rate was 10.34%.Among them,the unqualified rate of total bacterial colony was 0.69%,the unqualified rate of coliform group was 9.66%,Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella were not detected.From the perspective of manufacturers,there was statistically significant in the unqualified rate of pasteurized milk in the four fresh milk bars A,B,C and D(χ2=9.312,P<0.05).From the annual perspective,the unqualified rate of pasteurized milk in the three years from 2020 to 2022 was statistically significant(χ2=10.300,P<0.05).From the perspective of seasons,there was no significant difference between spring,summer and autumn(χ2=1.647,P>0.05),but the unqualified rate of summer samples was higher than that of spring and autumn. [Conclusion] The microbial contamination in pasteurized milk of Kunming fresh milk bar was mainly caused by the excessive coliform group,indicating that the hygienic conditions or sterilization process of the production process were not up to standard.Considering the particularity of the products and the consumers,there were certain food safety risks,and the monitoring and supervision of related products should be further strengthened.

Key words: Kunming, fresh milk bar, pasteurized milk, bacterial contamination, risk monitoring, food safety

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