China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 62-69.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.04.15

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Study on the Effect of Gastrodia Elata Blume on Protein Content Changes during the Fermentation of Lactic Acid Bacteria

HUANG Xianmin, HAN Liqian, CHEN Yu, FAN Li, ZHANG Keman   

  1. College of Agronomy and Life Sciences,Zhaotong University,ZhaotongYunnan 657000
  • Published:2021-05-08

Abstract: Taking the lactic acid bacteria medium supplemented with purified water as a control,the protein content of the lactic acid bacteria medium supplemented with Gastrodia elata Blume extract at different fermentation time periods was determined.The Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 staining method was used to determine the protein content at the wavelength of 595 nm.The initial protein content of the medium with Gastrodia elata Blume extract was 18371.78 µg/mL,the minimum protein content was 446.24 µg/mL,the appearance time was 360 min,the protein degradation amount was 17925.54 µg/mL,and the conversion rate of protein was 97.56%;The initial protein content of CK group was 15803.75 µg/mL,the minimum protein content was 451.73 µg/mL,the appearance time was 420 min,the protein degradation amount was 15352.02 µg/mL,andthe conversion rate of protein was 97.14%.The analysis of variance showed that F = 30.8896 and F> F0.01,indicating that the difference was extremely significant (α=0.01).Gastrodia elata Blume can promote the degradation of protein during the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria.

Key words: lactic acid bacteria, L.bulgaricus, S.thermophiles, gastrodia elata blume, protein content

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