China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 71-80.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.09.16

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Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination of Furosine in Milk by HPLC

HEYing, CAO Xuesi, JI Kunfa, YANG Aijun*, CHEN Xin, CHEN Chunyu   

  1. Guangdong Yantang Dairy Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou Guangdong 510507
  • Online:2022-09-25 Published:2022-09-30

Abstract: [Objective] Evaluate the uncertainty of the determination of furosine in pasteurized milk by HPLC. [Method] According to NY/T 939-2016,the content of furosine in pasteurized milk was determined.Through the establishment of a mathematical model,the sources of various uncertainties in the experimental process were comprehensively analyzed and quantitatively evaluated,and the relative standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty of the synthesis of furosine in pasteurized milk were calculated. [Result] When the content of furosine in pasteurized milk was 7.3 mg/100 g protein,the expanded uncertainty of the measurement results was 0.4 mg/100 g protein(k=2).[Conclusion] The main sources of measurement uncertainty of this method include the weighing of furosine reference material, the preparation of standard working solution, the fitting of standard curve and the determination of the end point of protein content in sample hydrolysate.

Key words: pasteurized milk, furosine, uncertainty, HPLC

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