China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 82-86.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.05.17

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Potential Value and Research Progress of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptide in Milk

YANG Zhicao   

  1. Suizhong County Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team,Liaoning Province Huludao Liaoning 125200
  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-06-01

Abstract: Hypertension is a chronic disease that is extremely harmful to the human body and can easily lead to a variety of complications. Most of the current blood pressure drugs are chemically synthesized,which are easy to damage the organs of the body and have more toxic side effects after taking them.Milk has high nutritional value, rich in protein, and after enzymatic digestion, it produces a large number of bioactive peptides, which can improve antioxidant capacity. It was found that milk,after enzymatic digestion,can produce a large number of peptides that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, which are non-biotoxic, have the effect of diastolic blood vessels and lower blood pressure, and can be expected to be used in the preparation of hypotensive drugs. Therefore,this paper provided a comprehensive overview of the hazards of hypertension,the mechanism of action of ACE inhibitory peptide,and the research of ACE inhibitory peptide in milk,which can help promote the commercialization and industrialization of ACE inhibitory peptide,realize the high-value utilization of milk,and promote the development of dairy industry.

Key words: milk, ACE inhibitory peptide, hypertension, inhibition

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