China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 47-52.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.10.09

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Prevention and Control Measures of Common Digestive Organ Diseases of Sheep

JING Xiaogang1, HUI Bing2, XIAO Xidong3*   

  1. 1Animal Health Supervision Institute of Nanyang City,Nanyang Henan 473000;
    2Animal Health Supervision Institute of Wolong District,Nanyang Henan 473000;
    3Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Wolong District,Nanyang Henan 473000
  • Online:2022-10-25 Published:2022-11-11

Abstract: Digestive system diseases are the most common clinical diseases in sheep production practice. If the treatment is not timely,it can lead to serious economic losses. The digestive system of sheep is the organ system through which the body ingests food,digests and absorbs it,and supplies nutrients to the body. It consists of two parts:the digestive tube (oral cavity,pharynx,esophagus,anterior stomach,true stomach, small intestine,large intestine and anus) and the digestive gland (saliary gland,liver and pancreas). Diseases of the digestive organs occur in any part of the digestive canal and digestive gland. The common digestive organ diseases of sheep mainly include stomatitis,ulcers, esophageal infarction,anterior stomach delay,rumen accumulation,rumen expansion,omasum obstruction,ruminal gastritis, gastroenteritis,acute substantial hepatitis,etc.,which should be paid attention to by farmers. This paper focused on the prevention and treatment of common digestive organ diseases of sheep.

Key words: sheep, digestive organs, disease, prevention, treatment

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