中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 2-9.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.04.01

• 营销管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海旌略品牌营销咨询有限公司,上海 201100
  • 出版日期:2024-04-25 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:赵 恒(1979-),男,山东烟台人,研究方向为乳业品牌战略定位,大单品策划等。

Insight into Dairy Market in the First Quarter of 2024

ZHAO Heng   

  1. Shanghai Jinglve Brand Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd.,Shanghai 201100
  • Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 当前乳业市场,奶源过剩,奶价持续走低,乳品消费乏力,这是下行周期的典型特征。在下行周期,内卷成为市场竞争的主旋律,行业正在迎来新一轮的洗牌,这将对中小企业构成严峻考验。本文通过第三方视角,对一季度乳业市场进行洞察分析,以期为乳品企业了解当前行业形势提供一定的参考。主要内容包括:一季度行业基本面、2023行业数据解读、部分上市乳品企业2023年报概述、一季度行业/企业动态评析、一季度重点新品评析等。在经济下行周期,创新对企业的生存与发展尤为重要,但创新的成功率必然低于经济上行周期。乳品企业只有顺应消费认知规律,做好品类创新,打造建立品牌认知的大单品,才能穿越周期,成长为卓越的品牌。

关键词: 乳业营销, 乳业研究, 乳业市场, 乳业市场洞察

Abstract: At present, the dairy market, milk source surplus, milk prices continue to fall, and dairy consumption is weak, which is a typical feature of the down cycle. In the down cycle, involution has become the main theme of market competition, and the industry is welcoming a new round of reshuffle, which will pose a severe test for SMEs. This paper analyzes the dairy market in the first quarter from the perspective of the third party, in order to provide some reference value for dairy enterprises to understand the current industry situation. The main contents include: industry fundamentals in the first quarter, interpretation of industry data in 2023, overview of some listed dairy enterprises' annual reports in 2023, dynamic analysis of industries/enterprises in the first quarter, and evaluation of key new products in the first quarter.Innovation is particularly important for the survival and development of enterprises in the economic downturn, but the success rate of innovation is bound to be lower than that in the economic upswing. Only by conforming to the law of consumer cognition, doing a good job in category innovation and creating a large single product to establish brand cognition can dairy enterprises cross the cycle and grow into excellent brands.

Key words: dairy marketing, dairy research, dairy market, dairy market insight

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