中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 8-8.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.02

• 调研报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东省淄博市沂源县农业技术服务中心,山东淄博 255000
  • 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-06-11
  • 作者简介:王福英(1977-),女,山东淄博人,本科,高级兽医师,研究方向为畜牧兽医科技。

Investigation and Analysis of Supporting Facilities and Equipment in Large-scale Dairy Farms

WANG Fuying   

  1. Shandong Zibo Yiyuan County Agricultural Technology Service Center, Zibo Shandong 255000
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

摘要: 为了解我国规模奶牛场设施装备配套应用现状,本文采用问卷调研,共调研了国内10 个省193 家规模奶牛场的饲喂、挤奶、环境控制和粪污处理等设施装备配套情况。调研的奶牛场100%应用TMR搅拌车和机械化挤奶,但TMR搅拌车和挤奶设备品牌以进口为主,且市场占有率较高的国产品牌核心元件依赖进口(27.7%)。铲车清粪是最重要的清粪方式(46.6%),其次是刮粪板清粪(38.9%)、吸粪车清粪(26.9%),人工清粪较少(7.3%)。应用喷淋或喷雾降温系统的奶牛场占大多数,但不同地区应用比例有所差异,山西、新疆应用比例较小,河北应用比例最高(约90.0%),其次是天津和黑龙江。同时,调研也发现3 个问题:国内设施装备生产企业数量多,但市场占有率低,核心元件依赖进口;新型、高性能和智能化产品农机购置补贴覆盖不足,大型养殖企业参加农机补贴的积极性不高;奶牛场设施装备需求主要受“示范效应”影响,先进养殖设施普及难度大。因此,建议积极推进奶牛养殖机械创新研发力度,拉近与发达国家的距离;加大先进机械设备鉴定工作力度,提高养殖机械购置补贴覆盖面;加强先进养殖机械装备及技术模式的推广应用,推动奶牛养殖业机械化发展进程。

关键词: 奶牛场, 设施装备, 应用现状

Abstract: To understand the present situation of the application of facilities and equipment in large-scale dairy farms in China,a questionnaire was used to investigate the facilities and equipment of 193 large-scale dairy farms in 10 provinces in China,such as feeding,milking, environmental control,and fecal treatment. TMR mixers and mechanized milking were used in 100% of the farms surveyed,but the brands of TMR mixers and milking equipment were mainly imported,and the core components of domestic brands with high market share depended on imports (27.7%).Forklift removal is the most important way to remove feces(46.6%), followed by scraping board (38.9%),suction truck (26.9%),and less manual cleaning (7.3%). The application of spray or spray cooling systems accounts for the majority of pastures,but the proportion of application is different in different regions. The proportion of applications is relatively small in Shanxi and Xinjiang,and the highest in Hebei (about 90.0%),followed by Tianjin and Heilongjiang. At the same time,the survey also found the following three problems: the number of domestic facilities and equipment production enterprises is large,but the market share is low,and the core components are dependent on imports; the subsidies for the purchase of new,high-performance and intelligent products are insufficient,and the enthusiasm of large-scale aquaculture enterprises to participate in agricultural machinery subsidies is not high; the demand for facilities and equipment in breeding farms is mainly affected by the demonstration effect,so it is difficult to popularize advanced breeding facilities. Therefore,it is suggested that we should actively promote the innovative research and development of dairy cow breeding machinery,shorten the distance with the developed countries,strengthen the appraisal of advanced machinery and equipment,and improve the coverage of subsidies for the purchase of breeding machinery,strengthen the promotion and application of advanced breeding machinery and technical models to promote the development process of mechanization of the dairy farming industry.

Key words: dairy farm, facilities and equipment, application status

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