China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 15-20.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.10.03

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the Effect of Artificial Suckling Technology of Dairy Goat Mother-child Separation on the Survival Rate of Lamb

LI Ruixiang1, HAN Likang2, WU Feng2   

  1. 1Center for Control and Prevention of Animal Disease in Linwei District,Weinan Shaanxi 714300;
    2Shaanxi Billion Green Margin Animal Husbandry Co.,Ltd.,Weinan Shaanxi 714300
  • Online:2022-10-25 Published:2022-11-11

Abstract: [Objective]To improve the survival rate of dairy goat lambs and reduce the spread of diseases between ewes and lambs,this study was conducted to explore the technical methods to improve the survival rate of dairy goat lambs by artificial suckling technology of maternal deprivation at the age of 0 days. [Method]In this study,0-day-old lambs (2 batches) after estrus at the same time were randomly divided into 3 groups,the control group,test 1,and test 2 groups. The control group lambs were nursed naturally,and the ewe and the lambs lived together. The test group lambs were maternally deprived after they had enough colostrum once after giving birth,and entered the professional nursing pen for lambs to nurse artificially, the ewes were fed with the same method, the survival rate and morbidity data of lambs and ewes were statistically analyzed. [Result]The results are as follows:(1)The incidence of lambs contagiousecthyma in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 22.12 percentage point and 21.45 percentage point compared with the control group(p<0.05),the incidence of enteritis in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 7.29 percentage point and 7.95 percentage point respectively(p>0.05),the incidence of cold/pneumonia in test 1 group decreased by 1.29 percentage point and 1.96 percentage point compared with the control group(p<0.05).(2)Compared with the control group,the morbidity rate of 1-month-old lambs in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 20.09 percentage point and 21.42 percentage point respectively and the mortality rate decreased by 13.53 percentage point and 13.70 percentage point respectively(p<0.05). The difference between the control group and test groups was significant,and there was no significant difference among the test groups,the morbidity and mortality rates in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 17.15 percentage point and 12.67 percentage point (p<0.05)respectively,with significant differences compared with the control group(p>0.05).(3)The incidence of contagiousecthyma of ewes in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 16.98 percentage point and 16.64 percentage point respectively(p<0.05), the difference was significant compared with the control group. The incidence of mastitis in test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 20.76 percentage point and 19.05 percentage point (p<0.05),with a significant difference compared with the control group, and there was no significant difference in the incidence of thrush and mastitis between the two test groups,the total incidence of test 1 and test 2 groups decreased by 18.87 percentage point and 16.31 percentage point respectively compared with the control group(p<0.05),with a significant difference(p>0.05). [Conclusion]The total incident of the two test groups was with no significant difference,the artificial suckling technology of maternal deprivation at 0-day-old significantly reduces the morbidity and mortality of lambs and improves the survival rate of lambs,which can be widely applied in production.

Key words: mother and child separated, artificial lactation technology, dairy goat, the survival rate of lamb

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