China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 59-62.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.06.11

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

PCR Diagnosis of Bovine Papillomavirus Infection

GENG Xiaojie1, XIA Haijing2,*, LIU Qin3, ZHANG Quanpeng3, ZHOU Yaping3   

  1. 1Kunming Jinning District Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Group,Kunming Yunnan 650600;
    2Yunnan Provincial Animal Husbandry Station,Kunming Yunnan 650233;
    3Kunming Institute of Animal Health Supervision,Kunming Yunnan 650041
  • Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-06-30

Abstract: [Objective]To conduct PCR diagnosis of skin papillomatous protrusions in a certain dairy cow farm in Kunming,suspected of being a skin disease caused by papillomavirus infection.[Method]Sterile collection of skin papillary vegetation,extraction of DNA from diseased materials,and amplification using a universal PCR diagnostic kit for papillomavirus.[Result]Compared with Gene Maker,the amplified product was found to be 200 bp in size,indicating a diagnosis of papillomavirus infection.[Conclusion]The papillary vegetation protrusions on the skin of the dairy cows in this dairy farm were diagnosed as papillomavirus infection. Due to the lack of specific therapeutic drugs for this disease, surgical treatment is generally adopted. It is recommended that the farm isolate and treat the sick cow,clean and disinfect the pens,cow pens,and feeding troughs to effectively control the disease.

Key words: dairy cow, papillomavirus disease, PCR diagnosis

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