China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 57-60.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.04.08

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Whole-plant Corn Silage Treated by Different Methods on Production Performance and Economic Benefits of Dairy Cows

WANG Cheng1, DONG Guihong1, FAN Qiuping1, ZHAI Guiyu2, LIU Dejuan3   

  1. 1Shandong Jianyuan Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,Tai’an Shandong 271000;
    2Animal Husbandry Station of Shandong Province,Jinan Shandong 250100;
    3Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center of Tai’an,Tai’an Shandong 271000
  • Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-04-28

Abstract: [Objective]The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of whole-plant corn silage treated by different methods on the production performance and economic benefits of dairy cows.[Method]In this experiment,Chinese Holstein cows were selected to carry out whole-plant corn silage feeding test.28 cows were randomly divided into control group and experimental group,with 14 cows in each group.The former was fed with whole-plant corn silage prepared without adding microbial agent and the latter was fed with whole-plant corn silage prepared with microbial agent.The average daily dry matter intake,average daily milk yield,feed/milk ratio,milk fat rate and milk protein rate of each group were calculated,the average daily economic benefits and total economic benefits of each group were calculated.[Result]The average daily dry matter intake and feed/milk ratio of dairy cows were not significantly different from the control group,but the average daily milk yield,average milk fat rate and milk protein rate were significantly increased (P<0.05).The average daily milk yield per cow increased by 1.91 kg,the milk fat rate increased by 0.22%,and the milk protein rate increased by 0.06%.The economic benefit of the experimental group was significantly improved,the average daily economic benefit of each cow increased by 4.73 yuan,and the total economic benefit of trial period increased by 1 986.60 yuan.[Conclusion]The whole-plant corn silage added with microbial agent was used to feed dairy cows,which could effectively improve the production performance and economic benefits of dairy cows.

Key words: whole-plant corn silage, dairy cow, production performance, economic benefit

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