China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 52-55.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.10.09

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Effects of Bamboo Leaf Extract on Milk Yield,Milk Composition and Blood Indexes of Dairy Cows

ZHANG Zhi   

  1. Xinxiang Product Quality Inspection and Testing Center,Xinxiang Henan 453000
  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-13

Abstract: [Objective]To investigate the effects of adding bamboo leaf extract to milk yield,milk composition,and blood indexes in dairy cows.[Method]50 healthy Holstein cows with similar age(around 26 months),lactation days(70±2)d,milk yield(30±2)kg/d,and parity(1 fetus) were selected and randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group,with 25 dairy cows in each group and 1 cow in each group.The control group cows were fed a basic diet,while the experimental group cows were fed a basic diet with 30 g/d·head bamboo leaf extract.The pretrial period was 7 days,and the trial period was 60 days.[Result]Compared with the control group,the experimental group fed with bamboo leaf extract increased milk yield by 2.64%(P>0.05),and there was a downward trend in milk urea nitrogen and somatic cell number content(P>0.05).Blood routine and serum biochemical indicators were not significant(P>0.05),with an increase trend in total protein,albumin,and globulin.[Conclusion]Under the conditions of this study,although the addition of bamboo leaf extract to the diet did not significantly affect milk yield,milk composition,and blood indexes,it was beneficial to some extent to increase milk yield and serum protein content,and reduce milk urea nitrogen and somatic cell number content.

Key words: bamboo leaf extract, milk yield, milk composition, blood index

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