China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 88-91.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.07.17

• QUALITY CONTROL • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research Progress on Fungus Control in Dairy Products

ZHOU Ling1, XU Guangxin2, 3, *   

  1. 1Kwins Health Pharmaceutical Jiangsu Co.,Taizhou Jiangsu 225300;
    2Jiangsu Dairy Biotechnology Research Center,Yangzhou Jiangsu 225004;
    3Yangzhou Yangda Kangyuan Dairy Co.,Ltd.,Yangzhou Jiangsu 225004
  • Online:2024-07-25 Published:2024-08-01

Abstract: Fungus are common pollutants in dairy products,and their growth can cause product defects(such as sensory abnormalities) and safety risks(biogenic amines and mycotoxins).Through certain prevention and control techniques can effectively avoid losses for enterprises.Preventive methods include good production and hygiene practices,air filtration and purification systems,while control methods include inactivation treatment,temperature control,and modified atmosphere packaging.In addition,biological protectants can also achieve the goal of inhibiting fungus proliferation and extending storage life.This paper reviewed the current application of prevention and control technologies in dairy products.

Key words: fungus, prevention, control, biological protectants

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