China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 116-121.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.12.21

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Research Progress on the Application of Antioxidative Lactic Acid Bacteria in Food

XU Xinwei, FEI Xiaotong, TAO Hongyan, SUN Wenrui, LI Shanglin, WEI Jia*   

  1. Life Science and Engineering College Northwest Minzu University,Lanzhou Gansu 730030
  • Online:2021-12-25 Published:2022-01-07

Abstract: Lactic acid bacteria is a world-recognized intestinal probiotics,but also has the function of improving food flavor. As a natural antioxidant,lactic acid bacteria has been widely used in the field of domestic food. According to the current research reports of domestic scholars,most of the domestic applications of antioxidant lactobacilli are focused on the optimization of food production processes and flavor improvement. This paper will briefly discuss the role of antioxidant lactic acid bacteria in food and their research status at home and abroad,aiming to provide a theoretical reference for the food processing industry to better utilize the antioxidant activity of lactic acid bacteria.

Key words: antioxidant activity, Lactic acid bacteria, food industry, application status

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