Journal Information
  • Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    (Bimonthly,started publication in 2014)
    Responsible Institution
    Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
    Sponsor Institution
    Chinese Research Hospital Association
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Office/Room 2002-2003, Tower A, GT International Center , No. 3 of YongAnDongLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China
    Post code:100022
    Postal Distribution Code:82-833
    Overseas Issue NO.:BM9207
    ISSN 2095-8781 CN 10-1274/R
Current Issue
Volume 0 Issue 12, 25 December 2021
Research on Development Status of African Dairy Industry and Cooperation Potential between China and Africa
ZHANG Chao, WANG Mengmeng, WANG Jing, PENG Hua
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 2-10.
Abstract ( 476 ) PDF(2950KB) ( 411 )
Changes in the Structure of Dairy Products in the Post-epidemic Era
ZHANG Chunxiang, ZHANG Zhiqin, CHEN Zhengjun
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 18-23.
Abstract ( 455 ) PDF(2595KB) ( 435 )
Development Pattern of New Zealand's Dairy Industry and its Experience Enlightenment
ZHAO Shanjiang, WANG Yi, XU Huitao, PANG Yunwei, WANG Huan, HU Zhihui, ZHU Huabin
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 30-40.
Abstract ( 595 ) PDF(2382KB) ( 1560 )
Research on the Policy of Dairy Industry Development in Hebei Province Based on Text Analysis
WANG Jie, YANG Jianglan, ZHANG Bingying, ZHAO Ziyan
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 41-46.
Abstract ( 234 ) PDF(1859KB) ( 125 )
Research Progress on Factors Affecting Milk Composition of Dairy Cows
ZHANG Yihan, YU Shiqiang, JIANG Linshu, XIONG Benhai
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 53-62.
Abstract ( 438 ) PDF(1669KB) ( 354 )
Study on Supplementary Feeding and Early Weaning of Giragin Silk Yak
CHAI Shiming, YUNDAN Tsering, ZHANG Lanxiang, KELSANG Ram, ZHAO Manda, YI Henglei, LI Jianbo, GONGJUE Tsering, TSERING Dobje, DENG Bing
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 63-66.
Abstract ( 228 ) PDF(1645KB) ( 228 )
Application of Microecological Preparations in Dairy Cattle Breeding
SUI Chunli, LENG Shangji, LIU Xiangming
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 67-69.
Abstract ( 324 ) PDF(1597KB) ( 824 )
Analysis on the Key Points of High Yield Dairy Farming Technology
YANG Run, A Yinuer Abulizi, PAREKE Ainiwaer
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 70-73.
Abstract ( 226 ) PDF(1601KB) ( 110 )
Investigation and Problem Analysis of Herd Structure in Large-scale Dairy Farms in Xinjiang
LIU Li, HU Yongqing, JIA Na, NUER Zhati, HUA Shi
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 74-77.
Abstract ( 272 ) PDF(1890KB) ( 492 )
Investigation of Dairy Cow Reproductive System Diseases in Jingbian County,Shaanxi Province
GAO Hu, ZHANG Yuansheng, JIA Fengju
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 78-81.
Abstract ( 178 ) PDF(1602KB) ( 81 )
Detection and Prevention and Control of Antibody Level of Infectious Rhinotracheitis Virus in a Large-scale Dairy Farm in Xinjiang
WANG Chenyu, WEI Yong, CHEN Jie, CAO Mengyuan, CHEN Mingjie, QI Yayin
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 90-93.
Abstract ( 219 ) PDF(2061KB) ( 26 )
Rapid Screening of 29 Veterinary Drug Residues in Raw Milk by Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Quadrupole-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
HUO Luman, LI Yi, ZHENG Baiqin, LI Mingyang, ZHANG Miaoyi, HAO Liwu, ZHANG Shuhong
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 100-104.
Abstract ( 197 ) PDF(2030KB) ( 47 )
Research Progress on the Application of Antioxidative Lactic Acid Bacteria in Food
XU Xinwei, FEI Xiaotong, TAO Hongyan, SUN Wenrui, LI Shanglin, WEI Jia
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 116-121.
Abstract ( 508 ) PDF(1683KB) ( 795 )
Development Trend of Liquid Milk Packaging Design
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 129-132.
Abstract ( 410 ) PDF(3370KB) ( 137 )
Study on the Effect of Goat Milk Formula on the Immune Function on Mice
YANG Pengfei, WU Tong, XIE Kui, DENG Youtian, JIANG Feirong, LU Suyun, HOU Yanmei
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 133-136.
Abstract ( 278 ) PDF(2140KB) ( 391 )
New Equipment and Process for Liquid Milk Production
GUO Ruixue, GUO Jian
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (12): 137-140.
Abstract ( 349 ) PDF(1596KB) ( 444 )