China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 77-81.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.12.13

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation and Analysis of Epidemic Patterns and Related Factors of Endometritis in Dairy Cattle Farms in Pingdingshan City

FENG Miao1, MA Liguo1,*, LI Huasong2, SU Yuxian3   

  1. 1Pingdingshan City Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment,Pingdingshan Henan 467000;
    2Pingdingshan City Agricultural Development Center,Pinddingshan Henan 467000;
    3Pingdingshan Animal Husbandry Development Center,Pingdingshan Henan 467000
  • Online:2024-12-25 Published:2025-01-03

Abstract: [Objective] In order to investigate and analyze the epidemic patterns and related factors of endometritis in dairy cattle farms in Pingdingshan City. [Method] 14 827 cows were selected from Ruzhou,Lushan,Baofeng and other places from January 2021 to December 2023 to statistically analyze the epidemic patterns of endometritis,as well as the correlation between parity,month,feeding management level,and pathogenic bacteria. [Result] The results showed that the average incidence rate was 25.1%.The incidence rate of endometritis was relatively high in February,December,July,August and September. The parity of 2,5,and 6 were relatively high. Low level feeding management had a very significant impact on the incidence rate of endometritis in dairy cows. The main pathogenic bacteria were Staphylococcus,Escherichia coli,Streptococcus,Pseudomonas and Salmonella,with mixed infections accounting for 73.6%. [Conclusion] The epidemic patterns of cow endometritis in Pingdingshan City was relatively serious,and the related factors significantly affected the incidence rate.It was suggested to strengthen feeding management in combination with the epidemic characteristics to reduce the incidence rate.

Key words: endometritis, parity, month, pathogenic bacterium, investigation and analysis

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