中国乳业 ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 30-35.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.07.07

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


王振宇1, 王泽青1, 刘占宏2, 满金龙3, 孙世峰4, 李红魁5, 吕晓惠2, 王志学3,*   

  1. 1 辽宁科技学院生物医药与化学工程学院辽宁省生物医药重点实验室,辽宁本溪 117004;
    2 辽宁省农产品及兽药饲料产品检验检测院,辽宁沈阳 110053;
    3 辽宁省无抗养殖科技院,辽宁沈阳 110000;
    4 辽宁辉山乳业集团孙家牧业有限公司,辽宁沈阳 110164;
    5 辽宁省动物疫病预防控制中心,辽宁沈阳 110161
  • 出版日期:2022-07-25 发布日期:2022-08-02
  • 通讯作者: *王志学(1955-),男,辽宁沈阳人,大专,医师,研究方向为中医药。
  • 作者简介:王振宇(1983-),男,辽宁沈阳人,博士,副教授,研究方向为生物技术;王泽青(1984-),男,吉林通化人,博士,讲师,研究方向为生物材料;共同第1作者;刘占宏(1964-),男,辽宁昌图人,本科,正高级兽医师,研究方向为中兽药与牛病临床治疗;满金龙(1964-),男,辽宁义县人,本科,畜牧师,研究方向为无抗养殖技术;孙世峰(1980-),男,内蒙古通辽人,本科,中级畜牧师,研究方向为奶牛饲养与管理;李红魁(1980-),男,山西长治人,硕士,副高级兽医师,研究方向为兽医临床诊断及寄生虫病治疗;吕晓惠(1986-),女,辽宁庄河人,本科,助理研究员,研究方向为中兽药临床应用。
  • 基金资助:

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine for Clinical Mastitis In Dairy Cows

WANG Zhenyu1, WANG Zeqing1, LIU Zhanhong2, MAN Jinlong3, SUN Shifeng4, LI Hongkui5, LV Xiaohui2, WANG Zhixue3,*   

  1. 1Liaoning Key Laboratory of Biomedicine,College of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering,Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology,Benxi Liaoning 117004;
    2Liaoning Agricultural Products and Veterinary Drug And Feed Products Inspection and Testing Institute,Shenyang Liaoning 110053;
    3Liaoning Non-antibiotic Feeding Science and Technology Institute,Shenyang Liaoning 110000;
    4Liaoning Huishan Dairy Group Sun Jia Animal Husbandry Co.,LTD.,Shenyang Liaoning 110164;
    5Liaoning Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center,Shenyang Liaoning 110161
  • Online:2022-07-25 Published:2022-08-02

摘要: 奶牛乳房炎严重影响奶业生产。本试验使用中兽药散剂替代抗生素对临床型奶牛乳房炎进行治疗,并对治疗过程中的奶牛乳房炎病程情况、奶牛免疫情况和牛奶品质进行观察,评估中兽药散剂的治疗效果。结果显示:中兽药散剂可有效通乳消痈;可降低牛奶中体细胞数量;可提高粒细胞含量(从2%以下提高到46.3%);可抑制炎症,降低IL-1β、IL-6和TNF-α的含量(降低66.3%~71.0%)。得出结论:中药散剂可提高奶牛的免疫功能,治疗乳房炎。

关键词: 奶牛乳房炎, 中兽药散剂, 通乳消痈, 抗炎

Abstract: Mastitis seriously affects dairy production. In this study,Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine(TCVM)was used to treat cows with clinical mastitis to test its possibility as a potential alternative to antibiotics for bovine mastitis treatment. This study employed the course of bovine mastitis,immune level in dairy cows,and somatic content of the dairy to analyze the treatment effect. The results showed that the TCVM effectively promoted lactation for resolving carbuncle,reduced the amounts of somatic cells in milk to normal levels. After treatment by TCVM,the proportion of granulocytes increased from less than 2% to 46.3%. The contents of IL-1β,IL-6 and TNF-α were decreased by 66.3%~71.0%. In conclusion,TCM powder could improve the immune level of dairy cows and antagonize dairy cow mastitis.

Key words: bovine mastitis, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine(TCVM), promoting lactation for resolving carbuncle, anti-inflammatory


  • S858.23
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