中国乳业 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 35-38.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.11.07

• 饲草饲料 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄吉峰, 刘辉, 刘旭   

  1. 丰县顺河畜牧兽医站,江苏徐州 221721
  • 出版日期:2023-11-25 发布日期:2023-12-12
  • 作者简介:黄吉峰(1966-),男,江苏省徐州市人,大专,兽医师,研究方向为奶牛临床;刘 辉(1978-),女,湖北天门人,博士,研究方向为反刍动物营养;刘 旭(1983-),男,山东省济南市人,硕士,执业兽医师,研究方向为中兽医。

The Effect of Aniyou-G(Rumen passing Glucose)on the Production Performance of Holstein Cows in Early Lactation Stage

HUANG Jifeng, LIU Hui, LIU Xu   

  1. Fengxian Shunhe Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221721
  • Online:2023-11-25 Published:2023-12-12

摘要: [目的]本实验旨在研究过瘤胃葡萄糖对泌乳早期荷斯坦奶牛奶量和乳指标的影响。[方法]选取产后大于7 d和小于70 d的健康荷斯坦牛28 头,按照体重、胎次、体况评分、泌乳日龄和产奶量相近的原则进行配对,随机分为2 组(试验组和对照组),每组各14 头(产后7~35 d 7 头,产后36~70 d 7 头)。从试验牛当前泌乳日龄开始,试验满35 d或70 d结束。对照组奶牛饲喂牛场常规日粮,试验组奶牛饲喂“常规日粮+ 200 g/头·d的安尼优-G”。常规日粮为牧场现有泌乳牛TMR日粮。试验牛每隔7 d测定一次产奶量;乳成分分析(DHI数据):在试验开始及试验第30 d分别采集奶样,采用乳成分分析仪测定乳蛋白、乳脂肪、乳糖、非脂乳固形物、尿素氮和体细胞数。[结果]在泌乳早期荷斯坦牛日粮中添加200 g/头·d的安尼优-G可明显提高产奶量,提高乳脂、乳蛋白和非脂固形物含量,降低牛奶中尿素氮含量和体细胞数。

关键词: 过瘤胃葡萄糖, 荷斯坦牛, 泌乳早期

Abstract: [Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of rumen passing glucose on milk yield and milk indexes of Holstein dairy cows in early lactation. [Method]28 healthy Holstein cows with postpartum weight greater than 7 DIM and less than 70 DIM were selected and paired according to the principle of similar weight,parity,body condition score,lactation age,and milk production. They were randomly divided into two groups(experimental group and control group),with 14 cows in each group(7 cows with postpartum weight ranging from 7 to 35 DIM and 7 cows with postpartum weight ranging from 35 to 70 DIM).The experiment started at the current lactation age of the experimental cattle and ended at 35 or 70 days. The control group of cows were fed with a conventional feed from the cattle farm,while the experimental group of cows were fed with a “conventional feed+200 g/head• d Aniyou-G”. The conventional diet is the TMR diet for existing lactating cows in the pasture. The individual milk production of experimental cows is measured every 7 days. Milk composition analysis(DHI data):milk samples were collected at the beginning of the test and on the 30th day of the test,and milk protein,milk fat,lactose,non fat milk solids,blood urea nitrogen and somatic cells were measured by the milk composition analyzer.[Result](1)adding 200 g/head·d Aniyou-G to the diet of Holstein cows during early lactation can significantly increase milk production, and can significantly increase the content of milk fat,milk protein and non fat solids,and reduce the content of milk blood urea nitrogen and somatic cells.

Key words: rumen passing glucose, Holstein cow, early lactation

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