中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 58-63.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.10

• 奶羊繁育专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


伊晨刚, 李强   

  1. 宁波三生生物科技股份有限公司,浙江宁波 315000
  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-09-03
  • 作者简介:伊晨刚(1986-),男,陕西咸阳人,硕士,研究方向为羊繁殖技术推广;李 强(1972-),男,江苏南通人,专科,资深反刍动物繁殖专家,研究方向为反刍动物繁殖技术与生理学。

Effect of Timed Insemination on Batch Conception Rate in Dairy Sheep

YI Chengang, LI Qiang   

  1. Ningbo Sansheng Biological Technology Co., Ltd.,Ningbo Zhejiang 315000
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

摘要: [目的] 探究定时输精技术在奶绵羊批次化生产中的应用效果。[方法] 选定甘肃地区奶绵羊规模养殖场的经产母羊先进行疾病检测,合格后开展定时输精试验。2022年7—12月,根据羊场存栏实际情况以及生产安排,开展了5 个批次、210 只羊的同期发情+查情输精模式试验和26 个批次、1 290 只羊的定时输精模式试验,统计各个批次的受胎率。[结果] 5 个批次的同期发情+查情输精模式的平均参配率为90%,平均参配受胎率为82%,而平均批次受胎率仅有74%;而26 个批次的定时输精模式的批次受胎率为84%,羊群利用率提升了10%。[结论] 定时输精模式免查情,可降低工作强度,提升批次受胎率;同时有效提高母羊利用率和配种工作效率,降低羊场生产成本。批次受胎率比参配受胎率更能衡量配种工作的真实效率。

关键词: 奶绵羊, 精子活力, 定时输精, 受胎率

Abstract: [Objective] To explore the application effect of timed insemination technology in the batch production of dairy sheep. [Method] The multiparous ewes of dairy sheep scale farms in Gansu province were selected for disease testing first, and the timed insemination tests were carried out after they were qualified. From July to December 2022, according to the actual situation of the sheep farm inventory and production arrangements, the simultaneous estrus + ostrus insemination mode test of 210 sheep in 5 batches and the timed insemination mode test of 26 batches and 1290 sheep were carried out to calculate the conception rate of each batch. [Result] The average participation rate of 5 batches of the same estrus + oestrus insemination model was 90%, the average participation rate was 82%, and the average batch pregnancy rate was only 74%.The batch conception rate of 26 batches in the timed insemination mode was 84%, and the flock utilization rate was improved by 10%. [Conclusion] The timed insemination mode is exempted from examination, which can reduce the work intensity and improve the batch conception rate.At the same time, it can effectively improve the utilization rate of ewes and the efficiency of breeding, and reduce the production cost of sheep farms. The batch conception rate is a better measure of the real efficiency of the mating work than the reference fertilization rate.

Key words: dairy sheep, sperm motility, timed insemination, conception rate

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