中国乳业 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 54-59.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.03.10

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


魏之福1, 王振成2   

  1. 1 山东省沂南县张庄畜牧兽医站,山东临沂 276300;
    2 利津县现代畜牧业发展服务中心,山东东营 257400
  • 出版日期:2023-03-25 发布日期:2023-04-03
  • 作者简介:魏之福(1974-),男,山东临沂人,本科,高级兽医师,研究方向为基层动物防疫和兽医临床;王振成(1983-),男,山东利津人,本科,畜牧师,研究方向为畜牧兽医。

Practice and Discussion on Prevention and Treatment of Common Calf Diseases

WEI Zhifu1, WANG Zhencheng2   

  1. 1Zhangzhuang Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station in Yinan County,Linyi Shandong 276300;
    2Lijin County Modern Animal Husbandry Development Service Center,Dongying Shandong 257400
  • Online:2023-03-25 Published:2023-04-03

摘要: 犊牛年龄小,组织器官和身体机能未发育成熟,体温调节能力、抗病力差,容易染病,如巴氏杆菌病、大肠杆菌病、支原体肺炎、隐孢子虫病、犊新蛔虫病、球虫病等。诊疗服务实践证明,对犊牛巴氏杆菌病早期使用青霉素或磺胺类药物治疗,常发地区定期接种牛出血性败血症氢氧化铝菌苗;犊牛发生大肠杆菌病后,要及时补充体液、抑菌消炎;对犊牛支原体肺炎,要遵循早诊断、快隔离、早治疗的原则,选用恩诺沙星、泰乐菌素等敏感药物治疗;犊牛隐孢子虫病要及时隔离,对症治疗;治疗犊新蛔虫病的有效药物很多,可选择枸橼酸哌嗪、盐酸左旋咪唑、丙硫咪唑、伊维菌素等;规模化奶牛场治疗犊牛球虫病的最佳时机,应选在犊牛断奶混群后第3周,投服妥曲珠利有效。

关键词: 犊牛, 常见病, 诊断, 防治, 探讨

Abstract: Calves are young, tissues, organs and body functions are immature, body temperature regulation ability and disease resistance are poor, and they are prone to diseases, such as pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, mycoplasma pneumonia, cryptosporidiosis, calf neoascariasis, coccidiosis, etc.. The practice of diagnosis and treatment services has proved that penicillin or sulfa drugs should be used in the early treatment of pasteurellosis in calves, and aluminum hydroxide vaccine for bovine hemorrhagic septicemia should be regularly inoculated in the frequently occurring areas. After the calf has colibacillosis, it is necessary to replenish body fluid, inhibit bacteria and diminish inflammation in time. For mycoplasma pneumonia in calves, the principles of early diagnosis, rapid isolation and early treatment should be followed, and sensitive drugs such as enrofloxacin and tylosin should be selected for treatment. Calf cryptosporidiosis should be isolated in time and treated symptomatically. There are many effective drugs to treat calf neoascariasis, including piperazine citrate, levamisole hydrochloride, albendazole, ivermectin, etc.. The best time to treat calf coccidiosis in a large-scale dairy farm should be the third week after the calves are weaned and mixed, it is effective to take toltrazuril.

Key words: calf, common diseases, diagnosis, prevention and cure, discuss

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