中国乳业 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 108-113.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.09.18

• 质量安全 • 上一篇    下一篇


冯立玲, 张明宇, 郭松, 胥文玲, 王清华, 白晓玲   

  1. 蒙牛乳业(滦南)有限责任公司,河北唐山 063500
  • 出版日期:2023-09-25 发布日期:2023-10-16
  • 作者简介:冯立玲(1984-),女,河北衡水人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析;张明宇(1981-),男,河北唐山人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析;郭 松(1987-),男,河北唐山人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析;胥文玲(1979-),女,河北唐山人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析;王清华(1976-),男,内蒙古呼和浩特人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析;白晓玲(1984-),女,内蒙古扎兰屯人,本科,研究方向为乳品检验分析。

Study on the Method of Testing the Impact Resistance of Straw

FENG Liling, ZHANG Mingyu, GUO Song, XU Wenling, WANG Qinghua, BAI Xiaoling   

  1. Mengniu Dairy(Luan nan) Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan Hebei 063500
  • Online:2023-09-25 Published:2023-10-16

摘要: [目的]为解决乳品行业终端产品因吸管破裂影响产品完美性的问题,同时为吸管入厂检验标准提供可靠检测依据。[方法]利用一定质量的砝码从固定高度自由落体落下撞击吸管,观察吸管被撞击部位的破裂状态,对吸管抗冲击性能检测方法进行研究,并设计出吸管撞击试验仪应用于检测。[结果]吸管抗冲击性能检测方法可以应用于吸管到厂准入项目的检测,吸管撞击试验仪的应用可以提升检测效率,是吸管到厂质量监控的有效检测措施,同时也实现了吸管抗冲击性能检测的“数智化”。[结论]该项研究实用性高,吸管撞击试验仪的使用可简化工作流程,提升检测效率,作为行业内有效的试验方法有很大的推广价值。

关键词: 吸管, 抗冲击性能, 检测

Abstract: [Objective] In order to solve the problem that the end product of dairy industry is affected by the breakage of the straw,at the same time,it provides a reliable testing basis for straw inspection standards. [Method] The straw is struck by a weight of a certain mass falling from a fixed height,then observe the broken state of the impact site of the straw,study the impact resistance test method of straw,design a straw impact tester apply to detection. [Result] The test method of impact resistance of straws can be applied to the test of straws entering the factory,it can improve the detection efficiency,and it is an effective measure to monitor the quality of the straw to the factory.At the same time,it also realizes the number intelligence of the impact resistance test of the straw. [Conclusion] The research has high practicability,the use of straw impact tester can simplify the work flow and improve the detection efficiency. As an effective test method in the industry,it has great promotion value.

Key words: straw, impact resistance, test

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