中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 26-29.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.09.04

• 智能化奶牛养殖与自愿挤奶系统专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京 100081
  • 出版日期:2024-09-25 发布日期:2024-09-30
  • 作者简介:高 然(1990-),女,北京人,硕士,助理研究员,研究方向为奶业信息与智能化。

Milking Robots Enhance the Milking Management Capabilities of Dairy Farms

GAO Ran   

  1. Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081
  • Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-09-30

摘要: 近年来,我国的奶牛场开始逐步借助挤奶机器人来解决挤奶过程中出现的实际问题。挤奶机器人在代替人工的基础上,完善了挤奶流程的一致性,通过科学分析完成分群挤奶、分区挤奶、优化挤奶间隔等操作,让奶牛场的挤奶管理更精准高效,成为奶牛场提升挤奶管理能力的关键保障。本文综述了挤奶机器人的技术特点,以及在减少人工成本、提高产奶量、改善奶牛福利、提升生鲜乳质量等方面帮助奶牛场提升挤奶管理能力。

关键词: 挤奶机器人, 挤奶管理, 自愿挤奶

Abstract: In recent years,dairy farms in China have gradually used milking robots to solve practical problems in the milking process. On the basis of replacing manual milking, the milking robot improves the consistency of the milking process and completes operations such as group milking,zone milking and optimized milking interval through scientific analysis,making milking management of dairy farms more accurate and efficient,and becoming the key point for dairy farms to improve milking management ability. This paper summarized the technical characteristics of milking robot,and helped dairy farm improve milking management ability in reducing labor cost,increasing milk yield,improving cow welfare,and improving the quality of fresh milk.

Key words: milking robot, milking management, voluntary milking

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