China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 16-21.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.12.04

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Analysis of Nutrition and Feeding Management Status of Dairy Cows in Scale Dairy Farms in China

JIN Di1, PENG Hua2,*   

  1. 1China Agricultural Science and Technology Press LTD,Beijing 100081;
    2Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS,Beijing 100081
  • Online:2023-12-25 Published:2024-01-12

Abstract: In order to further understand the current status of nutrition and feeding management of dairy cows in large-scale dairy farms in China, this study was based on the investigation of feed raw material planting, feed formula production, cow comfort level and performance measurement of 320 large-scale dairy farms in 23 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) in China, and compared and analyzed the current status of nutrition and feeding management of dairy cows in different sizes and regions. The planting bases of dairy farms in different scales and regions were quite different, but they were mainly planted silage corn. The feed formulation of dairy farms is mainly designed by full-time nutritionists on pasture and premix enterprise nutritionists, and the application of environmentally friendly feed is diverse. At present, sand and cow manure are the main bedding materials for bed rest in dairy farms, and more attention is paid to improving the comfort of cows by improving the bed rest conditions. The acceptance of DHI among surveyed dairy farms is generally high, and the larger the scale of dairy farms, the better the implementation of DHI testing. It is suggested to select suitable feed raw materials according to the regional characteristics and strengthen the promotion and training of high-quality silage production technology. In production, we should give full play to the synergistic use effect of environmentally friendly feed additives and improve feed utilization efficiency. It is necessary to further improve the application of DHI measurement in small and medium-sized dairy farms, complate the basic production data information, and provide scientific basis for dairy farms to improve feeding management.

Key words: large-scale dairy farm, nutrition, management of feeding

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