China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 85-90.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.11.16

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Study on the Mineral Content of Yak Milk and Cattle-Yak Milk in Qinghai Province

ZHOU Pengyu1, WANG Xun1,2,3,4, CHAI Shatuo1,2,3,4, CUI Zhanhong1,2,3,4, SUN Lu1,2,3,4*, LIU Shujie1,2,3,4*   

  1. 1Qinghai Academy of Science and Veterinary Medicine of Qinghai University,Xining Qinghai 810016;
    2Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feeding for Yak and Tibetan Sheep, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Xining, Qinghai 810016;
    3Key Laboratory of Livestock Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of Qinghai Province Plateau, Xining Qinghai 810016;
    4Qinghai Plateau Yak Research Center,Xining Qinghai 810016
  • Online:2023-11-25 Published:2023-12-12

Abstract: [Objective] To study the difference and correlation of mineral content between yak milk and Cattle-Yak milk under grazing conditions.[Method] From July to August 2019, in Guinan County of Qinghai Province, selected parity, weight, age, lactation performance, no supplementary feeding healthy yak and Cattle-Yak 13 each, and collected milk samples, a total of 78 samples were obtained, and determined the mineral content of milk through the flame atomic absorption meter.[Results] (1) In four kinds of constant mineral (K, Ca, Na, Mg) of yak milk and Cattle-Yak milk, except Na (P> 0.05), the other three minerals are significantly different (P <0.05), including K content in Cattle-Yak milk is significantly higher than that of yak milk, but Ca and Mg of yak milk is significantly higher than that of Cattle-Yak milk; 5 kinds of trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mn) content are obvious differences. Cu and Co of Cattle-Yak milk is significantly higher than yak milk, while Fe, Zn and Mn of yak milk are significantly higher than Cattle-Yak milk.(2) Most of the minerals in the milk show a correlation.[Conclusion] The above results show that yak milk has 5 kinds of mineral content higher than Cattle-Yak milk, and Cattle-Yak milk has 3 kinds of minerals is higher than yak milk, indicating that yak milk is better than Cattle-Yak milk in terms of mineral.

Key words: yak, Cattle-Yak, milk, mineral

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