China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 29-34.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.03.06

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Common Internal Parasitic Diseases of Dairy Goats and Their Prevention and Treatment

XU Lixin1, NIU Chaobing2,*, CAO Shuxian3, XIAO Xidong4   

  1. 1Agricultural Service Center of Liaohe Town,Wolong District,Nanyang Henan 473000;
    2Animal Husbandry Development Service Center of Zhenping County,Nanyang Henan 474250;
    3Cao's Biological Feed Studio of Fangcheng County,Nanyang Henan 473200;
    4Animal Disease Prevention,Control and Quarantine Center of Wolong District, Nanyang Henan 473000
  • Online:2024-03-25 Published:2024-04-24

Abstract: Goats are herbivores. The main feeding method is grazing, which leads to susceptibility to parasites and disease. Dairy goats have long gestation and lactation periods. Deworming drugs are generally prohibited for the first trimester and lactation. Regular or planned deworming should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation, which leads to more severe parasitic diseases in dairy goats. The common parasitic diseases in dairy goats include gastrointestinal nematodiasis, lungworm disease, cerebrospinal filariasis, taeniasis and so on. This paper focused on several common internal parasitic diseases of dairy goats and their prevention and treatment measures.

Key words: dairy goat, Nematodiasis, Taeniasis, prevention, controls

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