中国乳业 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 114-118.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.09.19

• 乳品加工 • 上一篇    下一篇


吕静, 刘海波, 陈亚蓝, 陈龙, 桑大席, 朱静*   

  1. 信阳农林学院食品学院,河南省大别山特色食品资源综合利用工程技术研究中心,河南信阳 464000
  • 出版日期:2023-09-25 发布日期:2023-10-16
  • 通讯作者: * 朱 静(1983-),女,陕西西安人,博士,副教授,研究方向为食品生物技术。
  • 作者简介:吕 静(1995-),女,河南信阳人,硕士,助教,研究方向为功能食品开发;刘海波(1994-),男,河南信阳人,硕士,助教,研究方向为粮食加工与技术;陈亚蓝(1991-),女,河南信阳人,硕士,讲师,研究方向为天然活性产物开发;陈 龙(1980-),男,河南信阳人,硕士,讲师,研究方向为食品加工与安全;桑大席(1967-),男,河南信阳人,学士,副教授,研究方向为食品科学。
  • 基金资助:
    河南省自然科学基金项目(212300410228); 信阳农林学院高水平科研孵化器建设项目(FCL202014); 信阳农林学院2019年度学校青年基金项目(2019LG002); 河南省高等学校重点科研项目计划(23A550015); 信阳农林学院科技创新团队(XNKJTD-001)

Development of Xinyang Maojian Tea Low-sugar Konjac Yogurt

LV Jing, LIU Haibo, CHEN Yalan, CHEN Long, SANG Daxi, ZHU Jing*   

  1. Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University,School of Food Science,Engineering Technology Research Center for Comprehensive Utilization of Characteristic Food Resources in Dabie Mountain,Henan Xinyang 464000
  • Online:2023-09-25 Published:2023-10-16

摘要: [目的]以脱脂乳粉、木糖醇、信阳毛尖茶为主要原料,研制出一款低脂低糖的保健型风味酸奶,并对产品品质进行检测。[方法]采用单因素试验和正交试验,以感官评定为指标,得到茶汤比例、菌种接种量、木糖醇比例、发酵时间的最佳生产工艺。[结果]茶汤添加量为15 mL/100 mL,菌种接种量为0.3%,木糖醇与白砂糖的比例为1∶2,在42 ℃的恒温条件下发酵8 h,加入0.8%的魔芋粉后熟24 h为最佳工艺配方。[结论]该配方生产的酸奶蛋白质含量为4.3%,脂肪含量为3.9%,酸度为82 oT,各项指标符合国家标准,口感细腻,酸甜可口,组织状态均匀,有发酵乳特有的香味和绿茶清香。

关键词: 信阳毛尖茶, 酸奶, 低糖低脂, 感官评定。

Abstract: [Objective] A low-fat and low-sugar health flavored yogurt was developed using skimmed milk powder,xylitol,and Xinyang Maojian tea as supplementary materials,and the product quality was tested. [Method] Using skim milk powder as the main raw material and partially replacing white sugar with xylitol,Xinyang Maojian tea was selected to improve its flavor.Through single factor and orthogonal experiments,sensory evaluation was used as the indicator to obtain the optimal production process for Xinyang Maojian tea low sugar konjac yogurt tea soup ratio,bacterial inoculation amount,xylitol ratio,and fermentation time. [Result] When the addition amount of tea soup is 15 mL/100 mL,the inoculation amount is 0.3% and the ratio of xylitol to white sugar is 1∶2,the optimal process formula is obtained by fermenting at 42 ℃ for 8 hours and adding 0.8% konjac powder for 24 hours.The yogurt has a delicate taste,sweet and sour taste,uniform organization,and a unique aroma of fermented milk and green tea fragrance. [Conclusion] Supplementary content: the yogurt produced by this formula has a protein content of 4.3%,fat content of 3.9%,acidity of 82 oT,and all indicators meet national standards. The taste is delicate,sweet and sour,and the tissue state is uniform.It has the unique aroma of fermented milk and green tea fragrance.

Key words: Xinyang Maojian tea, yogurt, low sugar and low fat, sensory evaluation

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