中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 42-46.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.04.08

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 临沂市河东区畜牧发展促进中心,山东临沂 276000
  • 出版日期:2024-04-25 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:赵建发(1986- ),男,山东临沂人,本科,兽医师,研究方向为疫病防控。

Prevention and Treatment of Cow Infertility Caused by Ovarian Disease

ZHAO Jianfa   

  1. Animal Husbandry Development Promotion Center in Hedong District,Linyi Shandong 276000
  • Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 不孕症是奶牛饲养过程中十分常见的生殖系统疾病,多发于分娩6 个月后无法正常受孕或到达配种年龄而无法受孕的奶牛。引发奶牛不孕症的原因有很多,包括管理因素、繁殖技术因素等,以卵巢疾病因素为主,如卵巢静止、卵巢萎缩、持久性黄体、卵巢囊肿和卵巢炎等。发病后,奶牛以发情延迟、发情不正常、无法正常受精等为典型症状,不仅降低泌乳量,也会影响正常繁殖,最终影响养殖经济效益。本文聚焦奶牛卵巢疾病性不孕症,以卵巢疾病为切入点,总结诊断要点,根据目前卵巢疾病性不孕症流行情况提出治疗和预防方法,为提高奶牛不孕症治疗和预防效果提供理论指导,推动我国奶牛养殖业发展。

关键词: 奶牛, 卵巢疾病, 不孕症, 预防, 治疗

Abstract: Infertility is a very common reproductive system disease in the process of dairy cow feeding, mainly in cows that cannot conceive normally after 6 months of childbirth or reach the breeding age and cannot conceive. There are many causes of cow infertility, including management factors, reproductive technology factors, mainly ovarian disease factors, such as ovarian stasis, ovarian atrophy, persistent luteum, ovarian cyst and ovaritis. After the onset, cows have typical symptoms such as delayed estrus, abnormal estrus, and inability to fertilize normally, which not only reduces milk production, but also affects normal reproduction, and ultimately affects the economic benefits of breeding. This paper focused on infertility caused by ovarian disease in dairy cows, took ovarian disease as the entry point, summarized the diagnosis points, proposed treatment and prevention methods according to the current prevalence of infertility caused by ovarian disease, provided theoretical guidance for improving the treatment and prevention effects of infertility in dairy cows, and promoted the development of dairy cow breeding in China.

Key words: cow, ovarian disease, infertility, prevention, treatment

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