中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 114-118.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.21

• 疾病防治 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭海娥, 韩红亮   

  1. 凉城县农牧和科技局,内蒙古乌兰察布 013750
  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 发布日期:2024-09-03
  • 作者简介:郭海娥(1981-),女,内蒙古乌兰察布人,蒙古族,本科,高级兽医师,研究方向为动物疫病预防控制;韩红亮(1980-),男,内蒙古乌兰察布人,本科,高级兽医师,研究方向为动物疫病预防控制。

Etiology of Common Hoof Diseases in Dairy Cattle

GUO Hai'e, HAN Hongliang   

  1. Agricultural and Technological Bureau of Liangcheng County,Ulanqab Inner Mongolia 013750
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

摘要: 蹄病是奶牛三大疾病之一,对养殖业危害极大。本研究旨在深入探讨影响奶牛蹄部健康的多种因素,包括环境、饲养管理、营养、疾病和遗传等,并提出相应的预防和控制措施,以降低奶牛蹄病的发生率,保障奶牛的健康和生产性能。通过文献综述,分析了奶牛蹄病的主要类型、发病原因,以及不同因素对蹄病发生的影响。重点总结了蹄叶炎、蹄底溃疡、腐蹄病、白线病和蹄趾皮炎等常见蹄病的发病机制和相关风险因素。研究发现,环境因素尤其是高温潮湿气候,饲养管理不当,营养不平衡,以及奶牛自身疾病和遗传因素均与蹄病的发生密切相关。合理的饲养管理、均衡的营养供给、改善环境条件和定期健康检查是预防蹄病的有效措施。奶牛蹄病的预防和控制需要综合考虑多方面因素,采取包括改善饲养环境、科学饲养管理、保证营养均衡、定期进行蹄部健康检查等综合措施。通过这些措施,可以有效降低奶牛蹄病的发生率,提高奶牛的福利和生产效率,为奶牛蹄病的预防和控制提供理论依据和实践指导。

关键词: 奶牛, 蹄病, 发病原因, 预防措施

Abstract: Hoof disease is one of the three major diseases affecting dairy cattle and poses a significant threat to breeding operations. This study aimed to delve into the various factors impacting the health of dairy cattle hooves, including environmental, management, nutritional, disease, and genetic factors, and to propose corresponding preventive and control measures to reduce the incidence of hoof disease and ensure the health and production performance of dairy cattle. Through a literature review, this study analyzed the main types of hoof diseases in dairy cattle, the causes of these diseases, and the impact of different factors on the occurrence of hoof diseases. It particularly summarized the pathogenesis and related risk factors for common hoof diseases such as digital dermatitis, sole ulcers, foot rot, white line disease, and interdigital dermatitis. The study found that environmental factors, especially high temperature and humidity, improper management, unbalanced nutrition, and the cattle's own diseases and genetic factors are closely related to the occurrence of hoof diseases. Reasonable management, balanced nutrition supply, improved environmental conditions, and regular health checks are effective measures for preventing hoof diseases. The prevention and control of dairy cattle hoof diseases require a comprehensive consideration of various factors, adopting a range of measures including improving the breeding environment, scientific management, ensuring balanced nutrition, and regular hoof health checks. These measures can effectively reduce the incidence of hoof diseases and improve the welfare and production efficiency of dairy cattle, provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the prevention and control of hoof diseases in dairy cattle.

Key words: dairy cattle, hoof disease, etiology, preventive measures

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