中国乳业 ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 26-33.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.04.03

• 高端牛奶专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


王力纬1, 张宇2, 高颖智1   

  1. 1 北京先行营销咨询有限公司,北京 100010;
    2 北京博晓通科技有限公司, 北京 100080
  • 出版日期:2023-04-25 发布日期:2023-04-28
  • 作者简介:王力纬(1973-),男,内蒙古包头人,研究方向为乳品行业竞争本质、战略差异化、战略定位及战略营销策划等;张 宇(1978-),男,黑龙江大庆人,研究方向为市场数据价值挖掘;高颖智(1994-),男,山西临汾人,研究方向为品牌策略制定、品牌系统构建、品牌传播等。

High-grade Milk Industry Elements and Trend Opportunities Outlook

WANG Liwei1, ZHANG Yu2, GAO Yingzhi1   

  1. 1Beijing Sunsoar Marketing and consulting Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100010;
    2Beijing BoXiaoTong Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100080
  • Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-04-28

摘要: 通过对近年来高端牛奶市场数据的变化、消费者行为和习惯的改变以及高端牛奶产业要素的关联分析,发现三点市场产业趋势,即在消费端,首次建设性的提出高端牛奶的核心本质属性:天然、营养、新鲜,在消费升级和国民健康意识的普及趋势下,高端牛奶市场呈现出多样化和差异化的乳制品需求特征;在产业端,首次在全行业提出产区牛奶的概念,在特仑苏、金典双寡头的基础上,高端牛奶市场将在具有显著独特性和地缘优势的牛奶产区中孕育出新的黑马;在产区端,贺兰山-祁连山奶源带拥有独一无二的气候条件、地理优势和资源优势,载畜量大、奶源开发潜力大,与消费市场运输距离近、交通条件好,市场辐射半径较长,极有可能发展出一个新的百亿乳品企业。

关键词: 高端牛奶, 竞争格局, 市场机遇, 产区牛奶, 市场趋势

Abstract: The report is for the purpose of taking relative analysis of market data change,consumers’ consumption behavior habits and milk industry factors in recent years. In the conclusion,as far as consumption is concerned,it is the first time to issue constructively the key nature of high-grade milk,that is nature,nutrition,and freshness. In the meanwhile,with the trends of consumption upgrade and healthy consciousness popularization from citizen,the various and different demands of high-grade milk emerge. As far as industry is concerned,it is the first time to clarify the concept of milk producing area in whole industry in the report.Due to the extensive influence of Telunsu and Jindian,high-grade milk,there will be a newcomer in high-grade milk market qualified with the obvious unique and geographical superiority.In terms of geographical milk production,There is the unique climate,geographical superiority and resource superiority such as large grazing capacity,big potentiality in the field of milk product,short transportation line,good transportation condition and wide market service ability,which will might come into being a new diary enterprise brand with ten billion market shares in Helan Mountains Qilian Mountains.

Key words: high-grade milk, competition framework, market opportunity, country of milk origin, market trend

[1] 王力纬, 张宇, 高颖智. 高端牛奶的市场竞争环境分析[J]. 中国乳业, 2023, 0(4): 2-10.
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