中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 46-50.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.09.08

• 饲养管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 五莲县畜牧兽医管理服务中心,山东日照 262300
  • 出版日期:2024-09-25 发布日期:2024-09-30
  • 作者简介:孙秀雯(1976-),女,山东日照人,本科,高级畜牧师,研究方向为畜牧生产与动物疫病防控。

Research of Production Performance and Rumen Digestibility Function of Lactating Dairy Cows by Different Roughage Ration

SUN Xiuwen   

  1. Wulian County Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Management Service Centre,Rizhao Shandong 262300
  • Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-09-30

摘要: [目的] 粗饲料是营养供给的重要来源,粗饲料配比对奶牛机体健康和生产性能有较大影响。[方法] 为探索不同粗饲料配比对奶牛生产性能和瘤胃消化功能的影响,本试验选取40 头体重、胎次和产奶量相近的荷斯坦牛,随机分为4 组,每组10 个重复,每个重复1 个平行。对照组饲喂青贮玉米组成的全混合日粮,试验A组饲喂50%玉米青贮、50%苜蓿,试验B组饲喂50%玉米青贮、25%苜蓿、25%燕麦草。试验C组饲喂40%玉米青贮、30%苜蓿、30%燕麦草,共饲喂60 d。[结果] 试验B组、C组能有效提高奶牛体重和平均日采食量,同时提升平均产奶量。检测奶中成分发现,蛋白质和脂肪含量上升,但体细胞数差异不明显。同时检测机体免疫能力发现,试验B组、C组奶牛血清中IgA和IgM含量有一定程度地提高,但对IgG无显著作用。试验A组各指标虽有影响,但相比对照组变化,不如试验B组、C组效果明显。[结论] 在不改变精饲料配比的情况下,按50%玉米青贮、25%苜蓿、25%燕麦草,或40%玉米青贮、30%苜蓿、30%燕麦草的粗饲料配比饲喂奶牛,可提高奶牛的生产性能和瘤胃消化功能。

关键词: 奶牛, 粗饲料, 生产性能, 消化功能

Abstract: [Objective]Roughage is an important source of nutrient supply. Roughage ration has a great influence on the health and performance of dairy cows .[Method] To explore the effects of different roughage rations on the performance and rumen digestion of dairy cows,40 Holstein cows with similar body weights,litter sizes, and milk production were randomly divided into 4 groups with 10 replicates in each group and 1 parallel for each replicate. The control group was fed a total mixed diet consisting of maize silage,test group A was fed 50% maize silage and 50% alfalfa, test group B was fed 50% maize silage,25% alfalfa,and 25% oat grass, and trial group C was fed 40% corn silage,30% alfalfa,and 30% oat grass for a total of 60 days to explore the changes in the dairy cows' organism. [Result] Trial groups B and C were effective in increasing cow body weight and average daily feed intake,as well as boosting average milk production. The milk composition was found to have increased in protein and fat content,but the difference in somatic cell count was not obvious. Meanwhile, the test of immune ability found that test groups B and C could increase the IgA and IgM content in the serum of cows to a certain extent, but had no significant effect on IgG. Test group A had an effect on the indicators,but compared with the control group,the change was not significant,and not as obvious as the effect of test groups B and C. [Conclusion] The roughage ration of 50% corn silage,25% alfalfa forage and 25% oat grass,or 40% corn silage,30% alfalfa,and 30% oat grass without changing the ratio of concentrate feed has a good effect on the production performance and rumen digestion tunction of dairy cows.

Key words: dairy cow, roughage, production performance, digestion function

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