中国乳业 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 96-100.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.04.18

• 乳品加工 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 山东省潍坊市临朐县畜牧业发展中心 东城畜牧兽医站,山东潍坊 262600
  • 出版日期:2024-04-25 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:辛太伟(1973-),男,山东临朐人,本科,副高级兽医师,研究方向为畜牧兽医。

Study on Processing Technology and Antioxidant Activity of Schisandra Chinensis Fermented Yogurt

XIN Taiwei   

  1. Dongcheng Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Station,Linqu County,Weifang Shandong 262600
  • Online:2024-04-25 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: [目的]开发发酵酸奶与传统食药两用药材五味子相结合的新酸奶产品,提升乳产品价值。[方法]通过单因素试验和正交试验,探究五味子汁添加量、发酵剂添加量、发酵时间、发酵温度等因素对五味子发酵酸奶质量的影响,同时检测对ABST、DPPH和O2-自由基清除能力的IC50值的变化,评测其抗氧化能力。[结果]工艺优化后最优发酵条件为五味子汁添加量10%、发酵剂添加量3%、发酵温度40 ℃、发酵时间6 h,在此条件下得到的酸奶质量最好,具有五味子特殊风味,还具有较好组织质地。优化后发酵酸奶对ABST、DPPH和O2-自由基清除能力的IC50值均降低,说明其抗氧化活性明显增强。[结论]五味子添加到酸奶后发酵能提升酸奶的抗氧化能力,具有较好开发空间。

关键词: 五味子, 酸奶, 发酵, 抗氧化

Abstract: [Objective] To develop a new yoghurt product combining fermented yoghurt with the traditional dual-use medicinal herb schisandra chinensis to enhance the value of dairy products. [Method] The effects of Schisandra chinensis juice addition, fermenter addition, fermentation time and fermentation temperature on the quality of fermented yoghurt with schisandra chinensis were investigated by one-way and orthogonal tests, and the changes of IC50 values for ABST, DPPH and O2-radical scavenging ability were also detected to evaluate the antioxidant ability. [Result] The optimal fermentation conditions after process optimisation were 10% schisandra chinensis juice addition, 3% fermentation agent addition, fermentation temperature of 40 ℃, and fermentation time of 6 h. The yoghurt obtained under these conditions was of the best quality, with the special flavour of schisandra chinensis, as well as a better tissue texture. The IC50 values of ABST, DPPH and O2-radical scavenging ability of the optimised fermented yoghurt were all reduced, indicating that its antioxidant activity was significantly enhanced. [Conclusion] The addition of Schisandra chinensis to yoghurt post-fermentation can enhance the antioxidant capacity of yoghurt, which has a good development space.

Key words: schisandra chinensis, yogurt, fermentation, antioxidation

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